I have watched PUSH and I love the movie so much theres a lot of twist that will let your mind think and think and think… Nick a “mover”, has the ability to move objects around him with his mind he met Cassie a 13 year old kid, a “watcher” who has psychic abilities. Henry who is the division head who is responsible for killing nicks parents when he was a kid.
In hongkong cassie and nick meet kira who is also a “pusher” who escape from the division that will help them kill the division head henry. Their mission is to find the suitcase that they desperately wants and will never let it out of their hand.
The movie is quite confusing because kira said she never met nick who is actually her ex-boyfriend but kira said that all are all illusions that she never knew nick, but when nick wrote something on the red envelope before they start vtheir fight from henry, nick gave the envelope to kira and said she needs to open it when she finally wants the truth.
In the end when kira decided to open it, she was surprised to see a real picture of her and nick together that made her realize that what was going between the two of them were real, on that picture nick wrote “KILL HIM” when kira and henry were on the plane and then she killed the division head. The power of "pushing" is pretty cool. You never know if you're seeing what's really happening or if a pusher is creating an illusion.